Candy Apple Advocacy
Candy Apple Advocacy Podcast
Championing Children's Education: Insights from Representative Topper

Championing Children's Education: Insights from Representative Topper

In this episode, the Republican chair of the Education Committee, Representative Topper, delves into the intricacies of public education funding in Pennsylvania. He highlights the critical role of state government in shaping education policy and funding, while pointing out the current challenges faced by public schools in the state. The discussion also covers the importance of student achievement, the need for flexibility and accountability in schools, and the transformative potential of extracurricular activities and charter schools. The podcast offers a unique perspective on the influence of government funding on education in Pennsylvania, aiming to inspire and empower listeners to champion their child's education.

Candy Apple Advocacy
Candy Apple Advocacy Podcast
Sweetening the journey of parenthood, one candy apple at a time. We're here to empower and support parents in navigating the world of education. From general school advice to Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and policy, we've got you covered.
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Candy Apple Advocacy