End the Political Football: Fully Fund Special Education in Pennsylvania Today
Open Letter to Pennsylvania Lawmakers, Parents, Educators, and Citizens
To Pennsylvania Lawmakers:
Dear Members of the 2025-2026 Legislative Session,
It is time to end the political football with our children's education, especially when it comes to special education. Our children cannot wait any longer. They are learning daily, and they deserve fully funded support.
No special education parent should have to worry about funding cuts.
We need proactive leadership to ensure all public special education students, including those in charter and cyber charter schools, are taken care of.
I will be in Harrisburg, ready to meet with you and hold you accountable for your actions.
It's time to lead and be a nationwide example.
To Pennsylvania Parents and Caregivers:
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We know our children best, and we fight for their needs daily. It's time to unite and stop letting the school board association, teachers' unions, and lawmakers dictate what's best for our children. We need fully funded support for all special education students. I will be in Harrisburg on the 28th, along with the National Parents Union, to rally for our 1.7 million students.
Let's stand together and demand the best education for our children.
To Pennsylvania Special Educators and Teachers:
Dear Special Educators and Teachers,
Your dedication to our children's education is invaluable. However, we need your support to ensure that all special education students receive the funding and resources they deserve. Let's work together to advocate for fully funded special education programs and end the political back-and-forth that affects our students' futures.
To All Citizens of Pennsylvania:
Dear Citizens,
Every child in Pennsylvania deserves the best education possible, regardless of federal government decisions. It's time for Pennsylvania to step up and be a leader in special education.
We need your support to ensure that our children are not victims of political games.
Share this message, join us in Harrisburg, and let's make a difference together.